Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fraying and reconstructing

I documented the story of my family (the fragments I manage to revive), in a small book I named – Chasing Memories. In it I tried to convey ‘the facts’ but at times had to use some of my imagination to keep them glued. 
While doing my research I read with horror the documented accounts of whole communities uprooted from their lives, not by the whims of nature but by the iniquitous acts of other people.  
I think that disaster is a disaster is a disaster, no matter where and how it hits, but there is nothing as devastating to one’s soul, as being betrayed, and singled out, by the same people he entrusted to keep just and order.
The followings are some stories that touched my heart. These are my humble tries at fraying their unified two-dimensional presentations by using fiction to fill in the gaps.

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